Product Review – Martec Lifestyle Ceiling Fans

Martec Lifestyle Ceiling Fans

Product Review – Martec Lifestyle Ceiling Fans

It’s nearly that time. Spring has sprung and for Sydneysiders that means there is about 2 weeks until it feels like the fiery gates of hell have been jammed open for the next 6 months. As summer approaches, it reminds us of those stuffy nights tossing and turning in the bedroom, unable to sleep for the sweat falling from our backs. EWWW!!

Of course air-conditioning can aid that uncomfortable feeling but it is costly to install and costly to run, it’s noisy and let’s face it unless you have a top of the range system, it has two settings – Arctic blizzard or Indian summer! Luckily there are other options available in the form of ceiling fans.

Ceiling fan installations are a great option and are a staple of many Australian homes. I remember they were trendy in the UK for a little while, for what reason I have no idea! Anyways, I digress. The humble ceiling fan operates on average at 99% less the cost of running air-conditioning. To put that in figures it costs around $25 to run an air-conditioning unit for 24 hours Vs 60/65 cents to run a ceiling fan for the same period of time.

Today we are reviewing a great ceiling fan on the market. They’re so good, I have put them in every room in my house (and no I don’t get paid for saying that) They are actually amazing. They are so quiet that aside from the curtains blowing in the wind, you don’t realise they are even on. The fan I am talking about is the Martec Lifestyle ceiling fan Some of the features include-

  • 3 year manufacturer’s warranty – Couple that with our lifetime warranty on all labour and you have a consumers dream!
  • Reversible spin for summer/winter – This makes the fan more versatile and able to be utilised all year round. It also adds to efficiency.
  • Powerful 69w motor – Powerful motor for a fan but costs so little to run as noted before. I actually can’t understand how they get it so powerful using only 69 watts. That’s the same as a standard light globe!!
  • Factory balanced blades – A dream when it comes to fitting them as the hard work is already done. Which means it costs less to install.
  • Can be used with a remote control if desired – Fully compatible with remote control units for controlling speed of the fan and the light.

The verdict:

This is a high quality yet reasonably priced ceiling fan. It has the capabilities and quality of the most expensive fans on the market for a fraction of the cost. Available in black, brushed aluminium and white and with their contemporary look and feel, they are an obvious choice for bedrooms and lounge rooms alike.

Keep your eyes open for our up-coming spring/summer supply and install special we will be offering you very soon. If you’re in the market for a non-sticky and comfortable summer, get in touch and let’s have a chat.

I appreciate you taking the time out of your day to read this post. If there is anything you would like further information on, hit me up. I’d be happy to chat some more.

Warmest Regards,

Scott McLaren
Local Electrician – Scott Electrics